Who Is Jesus Mostly To You?
Who Is Jesus Mostly To You?
Jesus asked one of His Followers who He is and he said the Son of God.....
In Scripture, Jesus is also referred to as Counsellor and Prince of Peace etc
In our Walk with Jesus, we can experience Him in several respects and I have covered some here
on this Page as a Check List, so we can consider experiencing Him in a fuller measure.
We can stop for a while and ponder different things like these:
Who is Jesus Mostly to Us? Who we Would Like Him to Be? Which Facets Challenge us?
We can see a Picture View of how we experience Him, how we would like to, and steps we can take
to experience Him in fuller measure. Maybe we can see one or more ways we need to know Him
in this exercise. It would be good to Review this Page every so often.
These used to be in the form of Polls but I thought I'd make it more personal.
This way, you can print this Page if you like and tick the items that apply or give them a 1 to 5 rating
(in pencil) and see your progress as often as you decide to do so.
Shall we go?
Who Is Jesus Mostly To You?
Select 3 - 5 Of These.
___Savior And Friend
___Savior And Lord
___Friend Of Friends
___My Big Brother
___My Encourager
___My Companion
___Lover Of My Soul
___My Beloved
___My Counsellor
___My Teacher
___Soon Coming King
___My Peace
___My Strength
___My Wisdom
___My Joy
___My Confidence
___My Example
___My Advocate
___My Refuge
___My Hope
What Would You Like To Experience
Jesus As? Select 2 - 4 Of These.
___Savior And Friend
___Savior And Lord
___Friend Of Friends
___My Big Brother
___My Encourager
___My Companion
___Lover Of My Soul
___My Beloved
___My Counsellor
___My Teacher
___Soon Coming King
___My Peace
___My Strength
___My Wisdom
___My Joy
___My Confidence
___My Example
___My Advocate
___My Refuge
___My Hope
A Challenge For Me To Find Jesus As.
Select 2 or 3 Of These.
___Savior And Friend
___Savior And Lord
___Friend Of Friends
___My Big Brother
___My Encourager
___My Companion
___Lover Of My Soul
___My Beloved
___My Counsellor
___My Teacher
___Soon Coming King
___My Peace
___My Strength
___My Wisdom
___My Joy
___My Confidence
___My Example
___My Advocate
___My Refuge
___My Hope
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