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© JV 2012

8) Because that is the best pattern for speaks about having a Christ awareness ....appreciation of nature... the qualities and giftings in speaks of renewing your mind consistently.....loving His Words of Life..... having right attitudes and healthy thoughts and company.....being creative ......having a desire for progress.


© JV 2018

1) Stand firm in The Lord, my beloved – Keep this in practice (it’s ongoing, don’t stop – yes, don’t stress, fuss or fret, keep your gaze on Jesus) Vs 1 Keep looking to The Lord as your Strength and Stay. Don’t stop to stress or fret – keep going and run that Race, for the Prize of that High Calling in Jesus.


© JV 2018

5 He will delight in you if you show gentleness to those around you, whoever they may be, in your daily life. Always act in a right spirit and try not to get frustrated with others - we all have an earthly frame - He gets sad when we're grumpy or overbearing with others, acting poorly and showing lack of consideration but He is quick to forgive when we show a true desire to change.  The Lord is Coming - it may be sooner than we think, so we must remember that He observes and weighs our actions.  


© JV  2020

4) Bounce out of bed in the mornings with the Joy of The Lord - don't give unpleasant thoughts on waking a hold or allow them to shape your day - keep your Joy through the day and each day, that you are Loved by Jesus and living in the Father's blessing.


© JV  2020

6) We need to think of anxiety as a temptation and 'nip it in the bud' before it develops.

Instead of letting ourselves become anxious, present things to The Lord there and then. Come into that place of fellowship in His Presence, where concerns can be exchanged for Peace. And once having given things over to Him, leave them with Him – don’t take them back and say “I will worry about this some more” His shoulders are bigger than ours.


© JV  2020

6) It may really surprise you to see what Goodness The Lord will show towards you when you avoid being anxious and present things to Him instead,

 remembering to thank Him in advance.


© JV  2020

8) Keep your thoughts for what is true and honorable, never allow that which is false or shameful to dominate your thinking. Don't allow your thoughts to twist and turn but keep a right spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to show you what is right. Keep your thoughts pure and don't allow the ways of the world to make inroads into your thought processes. Yes, and think about things you would not be ashamed of or shame others. Try to dwell on all the lovely things, beautiful etc instead of getting carried away with disturbing thoughts. Think about God's cute little creatures and the sunset etc more often, this will give you less time to be upset about inadequacies and people's offences. Major on the things that are excellent and praiseworthy instead of the things that upset or tempt you. 


© JV 2020

6) Share everything with The Lord and keep in Union with Him. This way, things won't get to be such big problems. Yes, don't allow things to distract you and take you off course. If you're keeping all things in prayer, the enemy can't catch you off guard. You won't be hindered as much. If you share everything with your Heavenly Father, it keeps your eyes on Him.


6) Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of Earth - that are troubling and make us anxious - will grow dim in the light of His Glory and Grace. You can keep your eyes fixed on God and the Prize awaiting you - this helps you to maintain composure.

Most of us share problems with each-other. Instead, we can place our concerns before The Lord in prayer with Thankfulness that accompanies Expectancy and then we will have Good things to share.


© JV 2020

6) Instead of letting ourselves become anxious, present things to The Lord there and then. Come into that place of fellowship in His Presence, where concerns can be exchanged for Peace. And once having given things over to Him, leave them with Him – don’t take them back and say “I will worry about this some more” His shoulders are bigger than ours.


© JV  2020

8) Yes, avoid overwhelm. There is an advantage of filling our mind with pleasant thoughts (like Vs 8) and not letting things buildup.

Engage your thoughts in Pleasant things and Scripture constantly, remembering that a mind left vacant will take in things not so pleasant - 

it can become a playground for the enemy's tactics. So practice steadfastness and occupy in God. Where would you like to start?


© JV  2020

8) Keep your thoughts for what is true and honourable, never allow that which is false or shameful to dominate your thinking. Don't allow your thoughts to twist and turn but keep a right spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to show you what is right. Keep your thoughts pure and don't allow the ways of the world to make inroads into your thought processes.


8) Yes, and think about things you would not be ashamed of or shame others. Try to dwell on all the lovely things, beautiful etc instead of getting carried away with disturbing thoughts. Think about God's cute little creatures and the sunset etc more often, this will give you less time to be upset about inadequacies and people's offences. Major on the things that are excellent and praiseworthy instead of the things that upset or tempt you.


 8 ) Also encourages us to dwell on our blessings! Hey? Entertaining negative thoughts is toxic to our soul - we need to cleanse and train our thought patterns every day.


8) Finally, brothers and sisters,6 whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. 9 And what you learned and received and heard and saw in me, do these things. And the God of peace will be with you.


© JV  2021

If you are meditating in The Lord each day and filling your mind with Good Things (Vs 8) this will make less room or even no room for anxious thoughts. They will be easier to handle and not result in overwhelm - which can affect us with a kind of paralysis when it comes to confidence in His Nature and approaching Him in Prayer. So guard your thought-life constantly and absorb Scriptures to garrison the parameters of your Heart and Mind in Christ Jesus.


Worry less and Pray more. (Vs 6) that is the way for The Lord to be your Strength and Stay. Worry is to dwell on, get upset and ruminate etc. Don't do that, it's destructive. Remember this: every ounce of worry you permit to lodge there in your thinking equals less peace you afford your heart and mind. Even your loved ones - keeping your thoughts in check will make you more cheerful company and ensure more Peace. Work at this, yes work at your Salvation in a positive way and derive comfort in doing so.


© JV  2021

4) "Rejoice Always" is to take the upper hand in life and keep it on a daily basis "And again I say Rejoice" means don't stop, don't ever stop doing this - it's part of your Victory in Hand - and if you do stop at any time, to resume this practice immediately. It pays dividends, it helps you to Centre your mind on Christ and where He's at - He could be somewhere altogether different to the matters that concern us. So bring your thoughts into agreement with Him by always finding something to Rejoice about. It will sharpen your Focus - practice makes perfect - the more we Exercise in this way, the stronger we become. And afford yourself some Quiet Time daily - this fosters Trust, whereby we always have something to Rejoice about.


© JV 2021

6)  We need to think of anxiety as a temptation and 'nip it in the bud' before it develops. Just like we should with thoughts of unbelief, even if they seem small. Yes, don't house those anxious thoughts and unbelief in your mind - treat it like a sanctuary to be respected and fill it with good things from Scripture, things to be thankful for (because thankfulness begets belief) and all the good things, interesting things that can direct your attention on the positive and optimistic we were created to retain.


Easy-to-Read Version

7 At one time all these things were important to me. But because of Christ, I decided that they are worth nothing. 8 Not only these things, but now I think that all things are worth nothing compared with the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of Christ, I lost all these things, and now I know that they are all worthless trash. All I want now is Christ. 9 I want to belong to him. In Christ I am right with God, but my being right does not come from following the law. It comes from God through faith. God uses my faith in[d] Christ to make me right with him. 10 All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him from death. I want to share in his sufferings and be like him even in his death. 11 Then there is hope that I myself will somehow be raised from death.


12 I don’t mean that I am exactly what God wants me to be. I have not yet reached that goal. But I continue trying to reach it and make it mine. That’s what Christ Jesus wants me to do. It is the reason he made me his. 13 Brothers and sisters, I know that I still have a long way to go. But there is one thing I do: I forget what is in the past and try as hard as I can to reach the goal before me. 14 I keep running hard toward the finish line to get the prize that is mine because God has called me through Christ Jesus to life up there in heaven.



Following that DECISION - the Free Salvation Jesus Gives Us in Response to Faith, He calls us to Live a Life of Commitment where we have a Constant DESIRE to be Like Jesus. Not religiously speaking, but having daily victory over self-desire and worldly desires placing more Value on JESUS and Heavenly Treasures when it comes to who and what we want the MOST.

Many Christians think or have been led to believe that Grace and Salvation mean No Strings Attached

and Jesus wants me to tell you today, that there is........ HEART-STRINGS.

He desires Our Heart-Strings like a lover - no less than we would have if we were newly married.

Many marry for 'better or worse' many don't even do that these days.

The picture is of a couple who love each-other so much, they embrace each-other in Good times and moments

and not-so-good times and moments........and nothing changes or diminishes their Bond of Love.......

it continues to GROW and it just becomes RICHER.

I see a Spiritual Love Story here in the heart of Paul. And JESUS wants that to be the Story of Each One of US.

He Really Does! Can you See this?

JESUS is saying "SEEK TO KNOW ME" again. YES!

If we only love Jesus when things are good, what kind of love is that?

Truly, our love does not fluctuate with our spouse, our parents, our children, when things aren't going well, does it?

In fact, sometimes it feels even richer. That's the substance Jesus is looking for in our Love FOR HIM.


Personal Paraphrase Translation

My brothers and sisters, stay resolute and true to The Lord. My expectations are set on seeing you soon –

It brings me much comfort, just thinking of you, my pride and joy!


Always be glad in heart, yes purpose to rejoice each day. Let those around you see how considerate you are –

caring for their interests, not just your own. Remember we are living letters, so live your best and be an example of Jesus, showing gentleness and be gracious in your speech. The Lord is ever-present, watching and listening – do not live ignorant of that but try to show respect always. Then you can have more confidence in your prayers when you approach Him, knowing you are not living in a way that displeases Him.


Purpose to show everyone the same respect, not just your favourites. Endeavour always to show the love of Christ.


Negative thoughts and worry only wear down your faith, so think uplifting thoughts about things He has done for you, big or small. This will make you less anxious, so you can present your requests to Him. Yes address your concerns with Him instead of thinking and talking about them. Yes, make them known to Him – His Peace will comfort you if you do this. It will pass your understanding an keep you calm.


Try to ponder those things which are true and centre your thoughts on Him. Do not give time or attention to disturbing thoughts. Yes, do this, rather than entertaining things that are not true, such as lies from our foes or hearsay from others. Yes always centre your thoughts on the Good Report you find in His Word and welcome those who speak well of others. This will keep the meditations of your heart healthy and faith-friendly.


Keep your thought-life for pure things. Whatever is honourable and just, let those things guide your thoughts about others. And whatever is commendable and excellent, let these things be your guide. Meditate on praiseworthy things, not worthless pursuits or unkind thoughts of others that zap your spiritual energy.


Let your thoughts be virtuous and think of these thoughts each day until you can see your thought patterns changing for the better. If you have unpleasant thoughts about someone, don’t let them lodge there – nip them in the bud instead. Be wise. Yes, live to His praise.


11 Whether I have little or plenty, I always like to keep my eyes on The Lord and be thankful for my blessings.


© JV October 2021

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