About This Website
About This Website
This website was previously called WORSHIP JESUS so it does have some emphasis on Worshipping Him.
Many Christians Have Not Seen Real Worship To Jesus. Most Churches These Days Are Into Entertaining Rather Than True Worship From Our Spirit (Heart to Heart with Him).
You will find really Nice Worship and Praise AUDIOS Here and Wonderful YouTube VIDEOS with Sincere Christian Worship......
Messianic Christian Jewish-Type Worship (included) and International Worship.
This Website will Show You How to really worship Him.
And also Be A Place Where Those Who LOVE JESUS Can Come and Find Lovely Songs And Music and Videos of Believers
"Worshiping The Lord With Us."
In western countries: USA and Canada, Australia etc there is attraction to Preachers, Mega Churches and Programs and Music artists.
I wish to change that here and shift the Focus back to our Heavenly Father, our Wonderful Savior and Creator in different ways.
The Gracious Holy Spirit has equipped me with different resources to enrich our personal walk with Jesus.
So Worshipping Jesus is part of what this website is about.
If We Will Be Eternally With Him, Let's WORSHIP HIM NOW
because He is the precious Lover of Our Souls - Yes!
This website also provides much Scripture Content, we need more than ever in this Day we are living in.
Strangely enough, many of His Children have not prayed very much or some years - some many -
and they were not ready for the Pandemic.
Many of you were not built up on the Word of God, due to Churches being into Social Gospel
which does not express much, if any need for that.
In western countries, most Christian Churches do not encourage us to have Personal Devotion times
known as Quiet Time,where you Pray-Read certain Scriptures on a daily basis
that speak to your heart.
This is actually part of worshipping Him - when you really love someone, you have time or their words, don't you?
That's why it is best to personalise Scriptures than to make teachings, so much.
The more we do this, the closer we are to Him and we can sense His Presence.
To be Continued!