Inspired In Christ
Word Applications
Inspired In Christ
Word Applications
I Feel on my Heart Today to add this Menu to Worship Jesus because Nothing is so Important as
APPLYING HIS WORDS to our Daily Lives and Situations. And a lovely Christian man called Gary Woods
who The Lord sent back from Heaven following his death, said that Jesus instructed him to tell us
that He wants us to PRESENT HIS WORDS To Him In Prayer. So Important is His Word.
Scripture Says that "He has placed His Word (even) Above His Name" He regards it so highly.
The Original Hebrew word there means PROMISES..........Yes!
And the Scripture that "HIS Promises are YES and AMEN"
means that He gives the "Yes" and We give the "Amen"
AMEN is Not just an Ending to A Prayer, it means "SO BE IT" and "LET IT BE"
It is Your Agreement with God concerning A Promise He Has Made
it is our Response in Unity with His Heart.
Very Soon I will start adding Sub-Pages to this Menu!