Inspired In Christ
Janet's Websites
Inspired In Christ
Janet's Websites
I write (In His Presence) mostly from 2012 - 2014, similar to Helen Steiner Rice........You can read my testimony on the About Me page if you like
to do so. As you can see, Jesus also has gifted me with making multiple Websites and two eCard websites. I purchased the software (program) for
eCard Websites listed on this Page. They offer Free beautiful eCards you can select Audios for etc
JESUS HOPE OF HEAVEN is my favorite Website, previous to this one, for those who have lost Loved Ones in The Lord - the whole website is designed
specially for Christians for a better experience on the Net when missing those you love. Short descriptions of these Websites are on this Page.
Happy to say NONE of my Websites have pesky Google Ads OR Email Campaigns. How good is that?
Inspirations for You
An Inspirational website with a beautiful pink design. There are lots of pleasant Poems just like Helen Steiner Rice Delightful Photos of Flowers and Nature – Peaceful and Melodic Audios Seven Pages of thoughtful Quotes and Sayings
Inspirations for Christians
Similar to Inspirations for You, but there are many Poems by other Christians in addition to those I have written
in His Presence. There is also Light and Depth in my choice of Poems in this website - some are meaningful.
Jesus: Hope of Heaven
This website is a "one of a kind" remembrance of Love Ones website designed specially for Christians -
everything is pleasant and beautiful - do see - You will be glad you did!
Janet and Jesus
A Christian Website with the prettiest web-design There are lots of pretty flower pictures – really exquisite! Lots of Poems to bless your heart and feed your spirit. Unique Theme Pages. If you love Jesus, you will be thoroughly blessed!
In Jesus Free - Blog
In Jesus Free - Blog
A Website that is committed to making Christians Free from Religious and Churchy mindsets that
distract us from our true Identity and Freedom in JESUS and what this is all about.

Called To Be Free
Janets WebCards
Janets WebCards
This is another eCard website with 900+ Pictures and Lots of Emoticons
and Blinkies. All Cards are Free. Many love this program!
Janets eCard Inspirations
This is also a "one of a kind" eCard website designed specially for Christians, to keep
in touch and bless someone's day. All Cards are Free!

True To Jesus
Life In Eternity
Life In Eternity
A website that speaks of the importance of spending Eternity with Jesus
and also presenting astonishing Bible Proofs we can trust in. YES
Happy Ways To Give
Happy Ways To Give
I've had some wonderful experiences giving some interesting and useful Gifts
overseas - so exciting to give and so affordable too. Come and See!
Health And Inspirations
Health And Inspirations
This website is two-fold, blending Natural Health with some Inspirations and
Interests like Tasty Recipes and Beautiful Pictures and Cute Videos!