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Victory Over Sin and Answered Prayer

When we first encountered Jesus and committed our lives to Him, we became HIS – HE OWNS US.

In this world of Sin, the Flesh (old nature) and the Devil (deceiver) many of His Children are becoming ignorant of that, and their spirit loses it’s glow

(so to speak) because of compromise with Sin, and the World often.

Realize Secret Sins Are Pleasurable For a Season

Luke 8:17 – For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Secret sins everyone else does convince us it’s not a big deal. People may believe that sins are hidden so God doesn’t know or they don’t care He knows.

“Can anyone hide from me in a secret place? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?” says the Lord (Jeremiah 23:24, NLT)

Bible Repentance

By the way, the original Greek word for Repentance is Metanoia which has to do with an Act of Response, namely “a radical change in our thoughts”……. Not penitense, whereby we say “I’m sorry Lord” and go on sinning OR remorse, where we get stuck in a mode of self-abasement and regret. Catholic translators changed the word Metanoia into Repentance, which is taken from the word Penance. When Jesus said “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at Hand” it required a Radical Change in Thoughts to Accept and Enter into His Kingdom, not Penance (a man-made religious exercise) but a Change of Mind which becomes a Change of Heart, concerning it’s Ownership – Jesus becomes Lord and Savior. That’s a two-way Package (relationship) whereby

He becomes Our Owner and We Find Him as Savior. We cannot gain the Victory over sin as long as Salvation is a One-Sided Package to us,

whereby He Lives for us but we don't live for Him, no.

Social Gospel Is Cheating People

It has been said by Paul Washer and Tim Conway, who are instrumental in restoring Gospel Truths, that Most Christians Today are not actually Born Again

(of the Spirit of God). Social Gospel has much to do with that, where Jesus is presented as some kind of a Santa-Christ, who will do everything for you, if you attend a Church basically – a one-sided deal, so to speak, where Jesus gets nothing out of this and sometimes that person tries and fails to “Live for God” when witnessing the example of a True Christian – Born Again and keeping godly character. So it is an unfair presentation they have been given that leads to an empty experience and disappointment often follows. No-one can live a Holy Life these days without an INDWELLING CHRIST from a Personal Encounter with JESUS whereby we receive NEW BIRTH. So Social Gospel, that seeks to be “Kind and Approving of Sin” basically is UNKIND actually because it cheats a person out of a true experience with JESUS. It does Not have His Approval, it never will. Repentance (metanoia) does involve Turning Away from Sin, and Following Him. It’s a moment where we say (so to speak) “No longer My Way but Your Way” a personal transaction takes place, whereby we become different on the inside. A Change of Nature takes place in our spirit.

Steps to Eliminate Secret Sins in Your Life

Develop a Repentant Heart towards Sin whether we consider it big or small. In Jeremiah 17:9, the prophet reminds us that “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Our hearts can house Good and Evil. Our spirit is clothed in the Righteousness of God, keep walking in the Spirit every day – we do this by keeping prayerful (that helps us to side with God). It also means making choices on a constant basis, nipping temptations

in the bud (immediately discerning voices). Temptation has a voice, don’t let it linger, that’s how we give in.

As long as we live in this Body, our SPIRIT is Saved, Sanctified and declared Righteous (in right standing with God) however, our SOUL (Mind, Will and Emotions) is in the process of BEING SAVED as we walk on this Earth, and our Body will be Saved when Jesus Returns. So SALVATION in our Spirit is present tense, our Soul a gradual process and our Body is Future Tense. Not sure why God planned it that way, only that it is shown in Scripture to be so!

As revealed in Scripture, I do know that He doesn’t want robots for Children. Genesis gives an account that He made us in His Image, having a Free-Will before Adam and Eve sinned. Because they ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL, that passed on to all mankind and our thoughts are affected by Good and Evil as long as we are this side of Heaven, hey?

Seek Forgiveness from God and Anyone you’ve Hurt when engaging in secret sins. Any Christian can start over when they’ve messed up. That’s the beauty of serving a God with a merciful heart. No one enjoys being in bondage to behavior that is destructive to our spiritual lives. That can mean the difference between answered prayers and unanswered prayers. When it comes to displeasure, no parent is willing to give gifts and privileges to

disobedient children – such expectations we have often, don’t we?

So many “Christians” make the all too common mistake of saying they’re sorry to The Lord afterwards or when they want Him to be happy with them

and do not follow this through with the person they offended (that would be true repentance). Some “Christians” I liken to hit and run drivers. They take no accountability for their words or actions and can be found praying to God, ministering or even breaking bread (bread and wine remembrance). All three are absolutely unscriptural and inexcusable. The Lord Jesus and the Apostle Paul had definite words to say about such behavior and “our sins lay bare before Him we have to do with.” I’ve encountered and witnessed such many times through the years – they’re kidding no-one, not me and certainly not The Lord.

In fact, Jesus was implicit about that.

So be careful Offenders, that you don’t “Hinder your prayers”………the Holy Spirit showed me some years ago, it’s a precious bond we have in Christ, similar to a marriage, spiritually speaking we are (members of one-another) don’t tell me that husbands and wives are accountable and Christians are not – the same principles apply to All when it comes to Answered Prayers. “Leave your gift (of praise whatever) at the altar (My Presence) make things right and then bring your gift (or make your prayer)” If you don’t like those words, take it up with Him. We have more hypocrites Today, than in Jesus’ Day, believe me!

Don’t believe that? Go and ask all the Unbelievers who are put off by obnoxious hypocrisy. God is not pleased. I kid you not.

Admit to Others when We’ve Sinned and solicit their prayers on our behalf. Exposing sin for what it is frees us to restore fellowship 

with God and people. This helps us to have some accountability to Change our Ways – not to a Priest or a Pastor. When we bring things out into the open, they can’t hide in the dark, Scripture says. Picture this: In our heart and mind, we say “I’ve mentioned this, now I’ll have to deal with it.” Sometimes that’s enough, it’s out the way. At times, it takes some more effort. And you have some encouragement to do whatever it takes – because we all sin, that person understands, perhaps showing more Mercy than we would have on ourselves, if left alone to deal with things. CAUTION: Only do be careful who you share with and how much you disclose. For instance, make sure they are Mature in the Faith or Mature Minded, not given to Gossip or someone who may be Overwhelmed. That would not do you or the other person good, if that’s the case.

Meditate on The Word of God Frequently to stay armed and ready for a battle against the flesh. Sinning is a spiritual problem that requires a Spiritual Solution. Yes, Sin and Holiness is serious business to Our God, friends. He will no more acknowledge or answer our prayers than a Store will give us food without payment if our heart is not right with Him or our brother and sister. “He has given us everything pertaining to godliness” 2 Pe 1:3  tells us in Scripture……….Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption 1 Co 1:30  It’s all there, resident in our Spirit (along with Jesus) and we do not Live in them – so many, many of us. Our God is hurting, Father and Son, and we are specifically told that this “grieves the Holy Spirit” Eph 4:30.

The Centurion Secret

If You’ve Heard It – Don’t Miss It!

We See in the GOSPELS a Centurion Man who understood the Authority of Christ well. After hearing  the acclaim of Jesus Miracles and his fellow Countrymen exclaiming “No-One Ever Spoke Like This Man. He Speaks As One Having Authority” in his first encounter, he said to Jesus “I am a man under Authority, I say to one Go and he goes, to another Come and he comes” and he added those famous Words of Faith “If You Speak, I know my Servant Will Be Healed” Mt 8:9 He understood Authority and Trusted the Goodness of God better than most Christians – especially Today, when all around us, there is so little respect for authority, with the Voting System and what not, we are accustomed to in most countries. He Knew what it is, and he wanted something from JESUS. He knew he only had to place himself under the Authority he recognised in Him, when he made his Request and it would be answered.

Why do we not see that? Why do we not do the same? Could it be that we’re allergic to His Authority, so slow to come into alignment with Him?

Even after giving our lives to Him, we fail to do that? Is it just plain ignorance that we can’t relate with that in our hearts and lives? I wonder.

I’m just writing as He gives me, so these things are His thoughts about the matter of  “Unanswered Prayer” sometimes.

If You’re Not Getting The Victory

This Can Be Why?

And to many of you who cannot seem to get the Victory over the Enemy in your Christian Living, in daily life or a situation, I sense Him saying to you,

that this is the Missing Ingredient – even the chink in your Armour, to some, why nothing works. We can only exercise as much Authority as we Submit ourselves to His Authority. Some of you who preach and teach impressive Words and give Prophetic Words, have missed this altogether. And JESUS is saying to us ALL, these are the Basics, once you belong to Me. I paid My Redemptive Life Blood for You. You can even preach the Cleansing of the Blood, and quote the Scriptures pertaining to it but they will only carry as much weight as the Centurion – Under Authority and Speaking accordingly.

Choices Are Important To God

They Should Be To Us – Let This Be Heard.

Your choices are important, at-least for Jesus sake, who paid So Highly to Purchase Us to be His Own – we so often fail to give Him His Ownership Rights when we flirt with sin and act as if our life belongs to us, like the person in the world without Christ does. When we live Close to God, we protect ourselves from the Ploys of the Enemy who is intent on bringing bondage our way, so we become ineffective for God on this Earth, in which we are Sojourners looking for the Coming of Jesus whereby Our Salvation will be complete.

We are Living Letters, read by men and women during our time here until we see Our Blessed Homeland, hey?

How clearly do you reflect Jesus? That’s a daily Choice, it really is – and the best thanks we can show Him for His Saving Grace.

It IS God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense – why should it cost us nothing? It’s a way of giving Him True Praise, to Live for Him.

“No-One can serve two Masters” Jesus said. We can’t live for the world, the devil or ourselves and claim to Live for Him – that simply isn’t true. 

Let’s stop kidding ourselves. “You are God alone, Teach me Your Ways oh Lord. I will walk in Your Truths, Unite my Heart.” Ps 86:10,11

That was the cry of David’s heart, let it be ours too. BLESSED JESUS!

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